Better Enums

Reflective compile-time enums for C++

Open-source under the BSD license

Version 0.11.3

To install, just add enum.h to your project.

Visit the GitHub repo for issues, feedback, and the latest development.

Download enum.h GitHub

This is an example of code you can write on top of Better Enums. It's a valid program — you can download it and try it out. The program is also part of the test suite.

C++17 reflection proposal

You can try this demo live online.

Better Enums can be used to implement the enums portion of the C++17 reflection proposal N4428 in C++11. N4428 proposes the following traits interface:

namespace std {

template <typename E>
struct enum_traits {
    struct enumerators {
        constexpr static size_t         size;

        template <size_t I>
        struct get {
            constexpr string_literal    identifier;
            constexpr static E          value;


So, the basic usage would be:

enum class Foo {A, B, C};

constexpr size_t            size =

constexpr Foo               value_0 =

constexpr string_literal    name_1 =

Resulting in the values 3, Foo::A, and "B", respectively.

The interface is implemented in the optional header file extra/better-enums/n4428.h. There is a necessary difference: the interface is only available for enums declared through the BETTER_ENUM macro. This is because the macro is what generates the information necessary for reflection.


So, with that out of the way, we can do a little test. Let's assume that extra/ has been added as a directory to search for include files.


#include <iostream>
#include <enum.h>
#include <better-enums/n4428.h>

Let's declare an enum:

BETTER_ENUM(Channel, char, Red = 1, Green, Blue)

...and try N4428:

constexpr std::size_t   size =

constexpr Channel       value_0 =

constexpr Channel       value_1 =

constexpr const char    *identifier_2 =

...and check the results:

static_assert(size == 3, "");

static_assert(value_0 == +Channel::Red, "");
static_assert(value_1 == +Channel::Green, "");

int main()
    std::cout << identifier_2 << std::endl;
    return 0;

That prints Blue, as you would expect.


The reason for the #define in the code above is that there is one quirk: the interface above is available only for Better Enums for which compile-time name trimming is enabled — those declared when BETTER_ENUMS_CONSTEXPR_TO_STRING was defined, or declared with the SLOW_ENUM variant of BETTER_ENUM. As mentioned on the linked page, the reason compile-time name trimming is not the default is that, while still pretty fast, it is four times slower than program-startup-time name trimming. The latter is the default.

Despite the above, a variation on the interface is available for enums without compile-time name trimming:

namespace std {

template <typename E>
struct enum_traits {
    struct enumerators {
        constexpr static size_t         size;

        template <size_t I>
        struct get {
            constexpr const char        *identifier;
            constexpr static E          value;

        // For enums without compile-time name trimming.
        template <size_t I>
        struct get_alt {
            static const char* identifier();
            constexpr static E          value;


As you can see, the difference is that identifier is a non-constexpr function, and you have to access it through get_alt<I>.

// Without compile-time name trimming.
BETTER_ENUM(Depth, int, HighColor, TrueColor)

int main()
        << std::enum_traits<Depth>::enumerators::get_alt<1>::identifier()
        << std::endl;

    return 0;

The future

N4428 is the fourth in a series of revisions: N3815, N4027, N4113, N4428. If there are more revisions that change the proposal for enums, I will try to implement those as well.